Fantastic Muscleheads
Exhibition Space
Fantastic Muscleheads
Different kind of martial arts battle
One Show awards are an honor much prized by creators, who generally toil in anonymity, unrecognized by the general public. We visualized these creators as masked wrestlers, champions of a “mental martial art” who have trained their brain muscles to achieve peak performance. We reviewed a decade of past award winners, analyzed their skillsets, and gave each a unique “ring name.” To exhibition visitors, our posters issued an open challenge to step up their own creative game.
THE ONE SHOWはクリエイター個人に与えられる賞である。今や、クリエイティブの世界は「異種格闘技戦」。一人一人まったく違う、鍛え上げられた脳(の筋肉)を持つ者たちが、リングに上がる。普段彼らの存在は一般の人に知られることはない。まさに覆面レスラー。我々は過去10年分の受賞作を研究して彼らの能力を分類、敬意をもってリングネームをつけた。このデザインは見る者に、自分の能力は何かという 問いを与えた。
The Ad Museum Tokyo
Executive Creative Director : Yuya Furukawa
Creative Director : Yoshihiro Yagi
Copy Writer : Haruko Tsutsui
Art Director : Yoshinaka Ono
Copy Write r: Nao Arai
Designer : Keita Asaoka
Designer : Tomomi Iizuka
Producer : Takaharu Hatori
Animator : Mizuhiro
Composer : Kazuna Hirose
Composer : Ric