WATERS takeshiba
Naming & Logo
Project Book
Architectural Rendering
Train AD
Paper Bag
WATERS takeshiba
Large waterside commercial facility
It is a complex facility in Tokyo consisting of a 26-story tower building that houses restaurants, offices, and hotels, and a theater building that houses the Shiki Theater Company. Taking advantage of the location of the waterfront in front of the lush Hamarikyu Garden A lawn plaza, a dock, and tidal flats are also maintained. We were in charge of the concept planning of the city, logo & naming, poster & movie and overall branding. Named "WATERS" because it is possible to spend an elegant and relaxing time surrounded by the nature of the waterside, even though it is in the center of the city. The visuals are organized with fine, gentle artwork that illustrates the diverse scenes of different people who enjoy this place alone or with someone.
飲食・オフィス・ホテルが入る26階建てのタワー棟、劇団四季が入るシアター棟からなる東京の複合施設です。緑豊かな浜離宮恩賜庭園を目の前に、ウォーターフロントの立地を活かし、 芝生広場、船着場、干潟も整備。我々は、街のコンセプト立案から、ロゴ&ネーミング、ポスター&ムービーと全体のブランディングを担当しました。都心でありながらも、水辺の自然に囲まれた優雅で心潤う時間を過ごすことができることから、「WATERS」と命名。ビジュアルは、この場所を1人でまたは誰かと共に愉しむ様々な人の、多様なシーンを例示する、上質で穏やかなアートワークでまとめています。
Japan Railway Company
Creative Director : Yoshinaka Ono
Art Director : Yoshinaka Ono
Copy Writer : Koji Hirayama
Copy Writer : Nae Mikuni
Strategic Planner : Shigeru Ogawa
Strategic Planner : Naruki Kojima
Crative Producer : Aki Daisho
Business Producer : Keichiro Adachi
Business Producer : Masahiro Majima
Designer : Wataru Sakamoto
Illustrator : Libby VanderPloeg
Coordinator : Motoo Hahn
Firm Producer : Isao Honma
Production Maneger : Kanako Uchiyama
Firm Director : hagy
Animator : hagy
Music Producer : Keisuke Tominaga